Contributors: Frederick & Steven Barthelme, Kera Bolonik, Margaret Bullitt-Jones, Maud Casey, Anna David, Denise Duhamel, B.H. Fairchild, Ruth Fowler, David Huddle, Perie Longo, Gregory Orr, Victoria Patterson, Molly Peacock, Scott Russell Sanders, Stephen Jay Schwartz, Linda Gray Sexton, Sue William Siverman, Chase Twichell, Rachel Yoder

Praise for Writers on The Edge:

“All addictions, at bottom, are the same; and each of us who battles addiction is different. I dove into ‘Writers On The Edge’. When I came up for air, I knew that I was in good company.”

~ Mary Sojourner, author of She Bets Her Life: A True Story of Gambling Addiction

 “An honest, unflinching book about addiction from a tough group of talented writers. These hard-hitters know whereof they speak, and the language in which they speak can be shocking to the uninitiated—naked prose and poetry about potentially fatal cravings the flesh is heir to—drugs, booze, cutting, overeating, depression, suicide. Not everybody makes it through. ‘Writers On The Edge’ is about dependency, and the toll it takes, on the guilty and the innocent alike.”

~ Dirk Hanson, author of The Chemical Carousel

 “Recovery from addiction is, at its core, a deeply personal experience rooted in shared pain and hope among those seeking freedom from their addictive behaviors. Writers On The Edge offers intimate storytelling of such eloquence and insight that readers will be left with genuine insight into the power and complexity of this destructive but fascinating human condition. This book is a must-read for anyone wanting the real-life inside scoop on the human side of what addiction is all about.”

~ Arnold M. Washton, Ph.D., Addiction Psychologist, author of Treating Alcohol and Drug Problems in Psychotherapy Practice: Doing What Works

“Writers On The Edge is a thoughtful compendium of first-person narratives by writers who have managed to use their despair to create beauty. A must-read for anyone in the recovery field.”

~ Leonard Buschel, Writers in Treatment

 “Creative people have a predisposition to addiction it is often found. Writers on the Edge: 22 Writers Speak About Addiction and Dependency discusses the struggles many writers have faced as they have been consumed by their addiction, be it the obvious drug and alcohol addictions to the more misunderstood sex addictions as well as food addictions, and other compulsions that can ruin our lives. Writers on the Edge is a strong addition to writing collections, with interest to social issues and general self-help collections as well.”

~ Midwest Book Review

 “This book is a must read for everybody, regardless if you have never fought addiction. After reading this book, it’s like somebody took the blindfold off my eyes and showed me what it’s like to be in their shoes, to feel their pain and to be careful, before I ever think I have the right to judge again.”

~ Kimberly’s Thoughts

 “These writers on the edge write to give others a sense of hope that they’ve been there and back and so can you – they are a true inspiration for any writer afflicted by addiction, obsession, abuse, or mental disabilities. If they can make it, so can you.”

~ Vicki M. Taylor

 “This book touched my soul. The individual stories provided insight into a world of struggle & pain. I have close relatives struggling with addiction and I was able to understand the strong hold that drugs & alcohol have on them. Thank you to the brave authors for sharing their stories.”

~ M.S. Bear

 “The essays in this anthology are written by accomplished writers who deliver illuminating experiences with addiction, mental illness, suicide and other obsessive, self-destructive behaviors. Each entry depicts the painful, often harrowing, consequences of addictive behaviors. Most of the selections are essays, but also included are moving, often heartbreaking, poems by Molly Peacock and John Amen among others. Some of the pieces take an outsiders perspective and bear witness to other people’s addictions. Other essays jump head-first into the mire of personal addictive behavior. With unflinching honesty and courage–and top notch aesthetic presentation–these thoughtfully rendered narratives and poems ultimately shine a light into some very dark and ominous corners. What all the writers have in common is the ability to face overwhelming truths and give “voice” to their unique stories of insight and survival.”

~ Kathleen Gerard

“Having had addicted persons in my family, I could even relate to many of these. It was sometimes odd to see things that I remember thinking and feeling as a child (and later, adult), printed in a book. It was hard to fathom that other people know the confusion a child has at an addicted adult, and gave a voice to long-forgotten memories.

This isn’t a glossed-over Kumbaya book about addiction, it has some raw stories. But it feels REAL and honest: definitely a read if you want to see some different perspectives on addictions and the ripple effect they cause on everyone around the addict.”

~ User Ang

“A fine collection of writers expressing themselves on what they know best – emotional pain and addiction. Unvarnished tales of despair and the road to recovery – for some.”

~ Jack Scott

“Often compelling and well-written stories about recovery from addiction…Worth checking out.”

~ Steve K.

“I would like to start off by saying this is an AMAING BOOK! I highly recommend it for anyone dealing with, knows someone, or has dealt with addiction.

This is a phenomenal book that touches your hearts, soul and provides information about addiction. I definitely recommend this book to any person or family that is dealing, has struggles through the torment of addiction or knows someone dealing with addiction. Filled with stories of heartbreak, courage, piece, and honesty I give Writers on the Edge two thumbs up.”

~ Jenn Brockman

“I read some things I can’t get out of my head, I read things in this book that I never even knew was real, or existed, and the in your face, raw honesty of it all, turns out to be the power behind this well put together, and incredible book….I believe this book, and any others like it, would be a Godsend for other addicts, and survivors, and especially their families and friends, for not everybody understands this.” 

~ Brandy Oliver

“…It is definitely an interesting read and if you are interested in addictions, I think you will really enjoy reading this book…For me personally, being an adult child of an alcoholic, I found that I could relate to some of the writings found in this book. It expanded my knowledge while feeding my interest!”

~ User Leels

“…A very phenomenal book that was informative, interesting and helpful. I would most definitely recommend this book to anyone who has struggled with an addiction or anyone who knows someone who has.”

~ Chasity Tarantino

“…The value is beyond words expressed here. The truths within all shine lights on places most people never look. Anyone who read this book, be they are addicted or recover will put it down as a changed person. “

~ Jackie Paulson

“Writers On The Edge is filled with emotional and eye opening stories from people in first person…”

~ Trista Z.

“I felt so much bravery for these 22 opening up their souls to share their tales. I was actually impressed to see a few stories regarding food addiction, something I have dealt with in my life…The stories inspired me and gave me hope.”

~ Chrystal Mahan

“This was quite a fascinating book, and made me look inward and question how I managed to avoid this behavior with all that was going on in my brain. Do I recommend it? Sure do. Easy read, very interesting look into this portion of mental illness and getting through it.”

~ User KPug

“I wrote a very long review post on my Blog (, but in short– I wrote it because I wanted to let you know that- if you’ve suffered this type of abuse, life or tourment – you’re not alone. And if you have ever struggled through a dependency or an addiction (current or past) I encourage you to read this book. If you know of a friend or family member that struggle (past or present) with an addiction or dependency, I encourage you to share this book with them. It might actually change you.

I do hope you’ll consider opening a few pages, reading a story or two, and then share it with another. This book does not need to be kept a secret.”
~ Barbara Baker

“Writers on the Edge tells 22 real-life stories from addiction to depression. This book shows the struggles these writers had with their inner demons in an organic form that is eye-opening, and heartbreaking at times. Whether the addiction is love, alcohol, sex, food, or drugs, these stories and poems take you through the highs and lows that these writers felt as they go through the addiction…”

~ User bzzybee

“…Each author in Writers on the Edge passionately and emotionally wrote their true story. There is heartbreak, honesty, and courage in every written piece. I recommend it to all writers & readers.”

~ Billy, Coffee Addicted Writer
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